
Beberapa waktu lalu saya sempat posting artikel penampakan tangki new vixion yang disinyalir adalah tangki new vixion livery moto gp movistar, nach ternyata itu benar jika melihat gambar yang satu ini dari sukarodadua..


Jika melihat tangki dan jenis warna serta desain stripingnya maka bisa dipastikan kalau tangki ini milik new vixion yang sudah nongkrong didealer, ternyata ini pesanan salah satu dealer di jabodetabek, pesanan sebanyak 100 unit untuk dijual sebagai paket accesories. Bisa dilihat paket accesories selaian painting juga sudah terpasang half fairing. Ternyata pesanan dealer yang sudah lama bekerja sama dengan carglos.


  1. Wah klo ini sdh lama ada muncul di bbrp dealer. Wak haji tmcblog jg sdh pernah dulu mergokin penampakan nya secara gak sengaja.

  2. G tau kenapa ya….saya g suka liat sport naked 150cc yang pake kemben ( HF)…lebih bagus nvl yg eksport lengkap dengan Katok ( cover engine)…kan sdh ada shroud di situ kok malah di pakein kemben….jadi g jelas konsepnya……….imho.

  3. Bags received a bunch of friends to buy, when to take the security box has been flat, and thinking that this is broken, the bag was not good enough, do not want to see the bag when feeling good, friends are satisfied, leather is very good, style is also very good, good good bags received, very good quality, style is also very novel, did not call me down, capacity is also okay, did not look so small, there is no color, really do not Waste of money, values, and customer service attitude is also very good, very patiently answered, thank customer service received when the bags, packing a little damaged, but fortunately not affect the bag! Just open, my mom would say this bag is good temperament oh.
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  4. Baby received, packaged well, bring it flows, showing great range, either the sun or indoors are comfortable wearing. Dry eyes, there will be no sense, but also lightweight and does not push the nose. Recommended! Baby received, packaged well, bring it flows, showing great range, either the sun or indoors are comfortable wearing.
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