Ndlongop tenan rek begitu melihat invoice yang dkeluarkan oleh kawasaki USA. Ceritanya ada orang yang membeli Ninja H2 ini dibanderol $60.289.
Motor baru brojol bahkan tahu kapan siap diproduksi tapi orang di amerika ini sudah berani pesan satu unit Ninja H2 tak tanggung2 jika dikonverter ke rupiah sampai 700jutaan ( dapat sapi 4 buat korban). Info ini saya dapat berawal dari situs www.ninjah2.net, disitu diperlihatkan sebuah invoice alias tanda jadi pembelian sebuah motor Ninja H2, ajib tenan rek…masuk. indonesia sampai 800jutaan nich
As per the invoice that you see above, Kawasaki Motors Finance Corp is offering a floor plan to a blacked out dealer that will cover a single unit on his showroom at just over $60,000. I will say again… A single unit at over $60,000. Could this be a Ninja H2R?
The description of the unit contains a single VIN, the word CARBON, Engine=H2, and the amazing figure of 60011.00. All things are pointing me to believe that the Carbon version of the H2, which, for all intents and purposes very well could be the race version, the Ninja H2R.
If this is true, this bike shot WAY WAY WAY over my expectations of the $40K neighborhood. Kawasaki redefined the halo bike segment by stuffing a supercharger into a liter bike, and then put some AMAZING Carbon Aero bits on it… But at that price, they might not be writing a book any longer… They are making a movie, and they got freaking Micheal Bay to direct. Over the top in every single way!
What say you?
mosk 700jt cuma oleh sapi 4
Sapi seng larang kuwi. Langganane sby
Sapi Limosin iku lek yaa
Wong nduwe duit iku….
harga edan..
What you gonna say kaangggg :3
ora tuku
Mending tuku sawah ng kampung…
700 juta mending nggo mbangun kost-kostan khusus cewe-cewe akbid karo SPG rokok wis pasti sangat bermanfaat “̮ ƗƗaªƗƗaªƗƗäª “̮ː̗(^▽^)
Nek iki modus banget wkwkwkwkwk
masuk indonesia jadi berapa 🙂
moga versi H2 mung 500 jutaan, trus sampai sini 1 M an
katanya 320 juta?