Akhirnya Rossi mendatangani perpanjang kontrak selama dua tahun dengan yamaha, saat ini rossi mengumpulkan point terbaiknya setelah bergabung kembali dengan yamaha sejak 2013, musim ini sudah berjalan delapan kali race dan rossi tampil lebih baik dari pebalap se-timnya jorge lorenzo.
Delapan kali race tampil naik podium 5 kali dan urutan kedua sementara perolehan point dibawah mar marquez dengan 128 poin. Penampilan yang lebih baik dari tahun 2013 dengan pertaruhan mengganti kepala mekanik dari Jeremy Burgess dengan Silvano Galbusera memuahkan hasil yang cukup bagus sehingga rossi tidak jadi gantung sepatu dan justru memperpanjang kontrak selama dua tahun dengan yamaha.
Marc marquez dan rossi sudah tanda tangan kontrak tinggal pedrosa dan jorge lorenzo, pedrosa sudah memberikan sinyal akan tetap di honda namun jorge lorenzo masih alot dengan negosiasi nilai kontrak.
Press Release.
Gerno di Lesmo (Italy), 2nd July 2014
Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd is delighted to announce that it has signed a new two-year agreement withValentino Rossi. The nine-time world champion will continue to race with Movistar Yamaha MotoGP for the 2015 and 2016 MotoGP World Championship seasons.
The announcement comes midway through an excellent season for the MotoGP veteran. Rossi currently sits in second in the standings having taken four second place finishes and a total of five podiums from eight races so far this year.
“I am very happy that we have concluded the agreement with Valentino for 2015 and 2016. Since his return to Yamaha in 2013 it’s been a very positive experience for everybody involved. After two difficult years ‘away from home’ Valentino returned last year, not only to us but also to his beloved YZR-M1. Fans of racing across the world were happy to see him rediscover his competitive performance and witness him take pleasure in riding and having fun again on two wheels. The “fun factor” is crucial to Valentino to get results – in fact when he first joined us in 2004 one of the most important motivations for his move to Yamaha was his desire to create an environment where he could enjoy racing. His enjoyment is obvious to all who meet him at the MotoGP events or who see him race on TV and is reflected in his excellent race results this year where he is currently in second position in the World Championship. We look forward to the next two and a half years together and it is our intention that Valentino will remain with Yamaha until the end of his sporting career and beyond.” |
“I am very happy to announce that I have signed a new contract with Yamaha to continue together in MotoGP for the next two years. I am very proud of this announcement. It’s very important to me because I really enjoy working with my crew and all the guys from the team, both the Japanese and European members that have been with me almost my entire career. It’s great because this was my target; I wanted to continue, I am feeling good and I’m motivated to keep giving my best. I am very happy that I can keep riding my YZR-M1, that has been my love for so many years and will still be my love this year and the following two seasons. A big ‘Thank You’ to everybody, I will try to keep giving the maximum to arrive in front and make good races. Enjoy!” |
selamat mbah
Artikel pengantar sahur nih sobat 🙂
lhah dulu janjinya apa yak 😀
Josss… the show goes on 2016
Jossss ,,..ben wes tuo,,,tpi masih berani bertarung dengan yg muda2,,,
I do very happy too (melu-melu komen)
Kok gantung sepatu?
bukannya gantung Helm?
Wkwkwk…. betulll ente gan..
gara2 demam peiala dunia nich…xixixixixi…
nulis artikel sambil ntn bola. trims bro.
Yup tidak ada manusia yg sempurna,masih banyak yang lupa/apa namanya khilaf ya?
iya lali maklum bukan orang jawa
kok gantung helm, gak gantung motor?
seng penting ora balapan, gara2 nonton bola kok malah jadi kebablasan…hehehehe
ganti balap F1
Akan jadi satu satunya pembalap veteran… hehehhe
Judulnya sudah benar kok…
Walau masih pakai Helm….apa boleh balapan gak pake sepatu balap alias nyeker..???
Gantung sepatu = gak boleh balap 😀