Witness the Ray of Darkness (2)

Yamaha eropa menyebar teaser motor anyar nich, kalau melihat dari video yang kemarin diunggah mencirikan motor MT series. Kabar dari berbagai media di luar menyebutkan ini motor MT-09 2016 yang akan dirilis di EICMA milan tanggal 16 november 2015, 5 hari lagi.

Nantikan saja di www.yamaha-next-level.com

”A big bang is imminent. And from it will emerge an explosive new breed of dark energy that is destined to reshape the MT world. Inspired by the dynamic forces coming out of the Dark Side of Japan, this forceful new creation redefines torque emotion. Nothing can prepare you for the changes that are about to happen. MT will never stand still.”



  1. Kang ari, mau tanya tapi oot

    As roda R15 sama NVL + OVI apakah diameter nya sama?

    Saya mau kanibal kaliper r15 ke ovi soalnya, pake disk shogun SP 220mm

    Mksh sebelumnya ya..

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