pedrosa stoppi.

“Operasinya rumit dan harus agresif, menggunakan teknik mikro dan lensa mikroskopis. Itu berlangsung dua jam dan dilakukan dengan obat bius lokal. Kami memeriksa jalur otot, yang mengalami hipertrofi dan harus dibuka dan dikeluarkan” Dr. Angel Villamor.

Via akun resmi HRC diberitakan akhirnya pedrosa sukses lakukan operasi arm pump-nya yang membuatnya sempat galau dan harus absen di Moto GP austin dan argentina. Operasi kemarin terbilang sukses tinggal menunggu kesembuhannya seperti yang dibilang Dokter Angel Villamor yang merupakan ahli bedah ortopedi dan Direktur Medis iQtra.

Dr. Angel Villamor:
“The surgery was complicated and aggressive using a microsurgery technique and microscopic lens. It lasted two hours, and was done under a local anaesthetic. We examined the muscle fascia, which were hypertrophied and had to be opened up and released. The muscle fascia has been dissected and removed from the forearm. This increased volume engorged the muscle within the inelastic fascia resulting in increased pressure within the compartment, and causing a painful condition of oxygen deprivation – thus causing intense pain in the forearm which collapsed after exercising during riding. We will now monitor Dani over the next few weeks to measure the success of this surgery.”

Lekas sembuh dech semoga cepat turun lagi agar bisa bersaing dengan rossi dibarisan depan.


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