
Masih ingat saat tim AHRC tes motornya di Brno, kala itu marquez pecahkan rekor miring saat nikung sampai 68 derajat…mlumah tenan rek…

Marquez sendiri sampai bingung kenapa dia bisa begitu…apalagi saya nggak tahu malah tambah mumet.

Karena hasil tes yang memuaskan, marc berujar ;

Today went very well and I am very happy, because we’ve erased the doubts that we had after yesterday’s race. We didn’t understand what had happened. We reached the conclusion that many factors combined yesterday, because today we were fast from the start and had a good pace with the same setup as yesterday. This morning we focused on work with this year’s bike, using some different setups, and I immediately felt very comfortable. Later we tried out the new bike again, which has great potential, and we set a good time with it. The best thing is that the pace we had today was back to that which we had over the entire weekend –except for Sunday.

Hayo siapa yang mau miring2…sampai sobek2…



  1. sebenarnya dia udah maujatuh tp krn faktor keberuntungan motor tetep stabil nikungnya jadinya dia pakekaki kirinarik badan naik kemotor. semata2 faktor keberuntungan
    skill 15 keberuntungan 85

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