marc ndlosor (1)

Lap ke 9 menjadi malapetaka buat marquez. Disaat dia ingin mempercepat mengunci gelar juara dunia keduanya malah mendapatkan hasil yang mengecewakan karena tidak bisa finish di sepuluh besar.

Lap ke9 marc terlalu nafsu mau pecahkan nikung di tikungan keempat alhasil dia malah ngesot dan motor mati karena motor miring lebih dari 70″ akan mati itu loch bank angle sensor milik verza bekerja makanya motor marquez mati dan dia susah payah menghidupkan kembali dan ketika sudah hidup dia sudah tertinggal jauh di dari barisan terdepan…dia masuk ke barisan 20 dan bisa finish diurutan ke-15.

Kemudian dia ngomong ;

Looking at things from a positive perspective Marquez said, “I’m happy with how today went, despite the crash due to my first mistake of the season, because yesterday I did not think that I would be capable of sticking with Valentino and Jorge. They had a little bit more pace, and today we were able to get fairly close to them.”

“I saw the possibility of fighting with Valentino for the victory, but that was not possible in the end because of the mistake; I was riding over the inside of the rumble strip and that meant that I lost the front. Luckily I was able to rejoin the race, continue with a good pace and score a point that could always come in handy in the future.”

Marquez nyesel nggak bisa podium dan berduel dengan rossi…


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