new kawaski (4)

Kawasaki memunculkan video teaser yang disinyalir sebagai ninja baru, ”Ninja H2” apakah ini ninja 4 cylinder yang sering didengungkan selama ini.

Rencananya pihak kawasaki akan rilis motor ini tanggal 30 september 2014 di Intermot Motorcycle Show di Cologne. Berikut pernyataan dari kawasaki ;

‘With cutting-edge performance recognised as a core element of the Kawasaki worldwide DNA, the company will showcase yet another ground-breaking motorcycle at the Intermot Motorcycle Show in Cologne starting on Sept 30th. A motorcycle “Built Beyond Belief”.

Drawing on skills and experience from experts within not just the company’s motorcycle division but across its aerospace, gas turbine and other high-technology contemporary manufacturing disciplines as well, Kawasaki is anticipating huge international interest in the project that has evocatively been christened Ninja H2. Harnessing the power of the Kawasaki manufacturing group “collective strength”, the H2 will represent a unified engineering and state of the art technology approach

Jika dilihat dari video teaser terlihat jelas sosok motor sport fairing meski hanya baru clue2 saja namun sudah jelas kalau motor ini motor sport fairing.


Ayo di bookmark tanggal 30 september buat yang mau inden 4 cylinder…semoga saja benar.


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